Have an Office Move Coming Up?


Whether moving across town or across the street, officials at Vision Publications have a blueprint that will make any business relocation smoother.

The Office Relocation Planner, which sells for $29.95 at Amazon.com, aims to help companies with a variety of issues related to moving, including strategic facility loca- tion and lease negotiation, finding the right moving companies, infrastructure and set- up for information technology and telecommunications, arrangement of office equipment and computers, systems furniture, and other miscellaneous items. "There are tons of resources on how to move your home, but moving your business is entirely different," said Karen Chessler Warner, author of the Office Relocation Planner. "This is a task- oriented book that helps companies go through the process of making the physical move." To purchase this planner, go to http://www.amazon.com/Office-Relocation-Planner- Planning-Executing/dp/1928742106