Every year, more and more businesses find themselves victims of cyber attacks, losing money and damaging their reputations in the process. Cyber attacks around the world have increased 48% in 2014 alone, according to the 2015 Global State of Information Security Survey.
It may seem impossible to avoid a breach, but there are ways to both prevent attacks and minimize the damage they do. One of the most effective ways to do this is to provide thorough, periodic security training for your employees.
For some business owners, improving cybersecurity means simply installing new technology to protect against threats, but according to the IBM Security Services 2014 Cyber Security Intelligence Index, human error is a contributing factor to a whopping 95% of security incidents. These errors include being taken in by phishing scams, losing a laptop or a device, and failing to encrypt sensitive information, among others. While having the proper technology is important, having the proper training is just as essential.
The standard recommendation is to have annual security training for your staff. In addition to this, provide clear, concise guidelines and expectations of acceptable use, and ensure these guidelines are enforced. Carefully consider and research before you adopt new technology practices. Cloud storage and “Bring Your Own Device” policies, for example, are certainly popular, but both come with significant security risks. As always, discuss security training and recommendations with your IT professionals.
Contact us at (561) 969-1616 about updating your user education strategies to best fit your business. Combined with the right technology, education is an essential investment that will protect your employees, your clients, your business and, last but not least, you.