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1025 N. Florida Mango Rd.
Suite 5 West Palm Beach, FL 33409
United States
See why hundreds of businesses have trusted
PalmTech for their IT service needs in West Palm Beach since 2003.Chuck Poole, CEO, CISSP
We keep our clients by delivering excellent service, not binding, multiyear contracts that handcuff you to using us.
Our service agreements aren’t full of weasel clauses and exclusions; you’ll know exactly what you’re paying for and what you can expect - no “gotchas” or hidden fees.
Many IT businesses only have a few technicians on staff, which means you might be left waiting for hours or even DAYS to get your computer problems resolved because they're short staffed or too busy trying to serve all their clients.
We will have a qualified technician working on resolving your IT problem within *1 Hour or Less, GUARANTEED. *Managed Services Agreement Required
When talking to new prospective clients about their current IT consulting company, we hear the same complaints over and over: “They don’t answer their phones live. When we do reach them it takes forever for them to respond and after they finally show up or call they can’t seem to fix it right the first time.”
Well enough is enough! PalmTech is the leading IT Services company serving West Palm Beach and surrounding communities. We have listened and built our IT service delivery from the ground up with you in mind. Our team always answers the phones live during business hours. Having thirteen of the best engineers in Palm Beach county means we can solve all of your business critical computer service issues the very same day, in many cases, the same hour you call. All of our engineers are our employees and part of our PalmTech family. We will never contract out your work to the Philippines, Panama, or India like many other providers do to cut costs. We are sure those folks in other countries are good people, but we never want your business data in the hands of someone we don’t know and who hasn’t gone through our strict background verifications.
I am so confident that you will love being a part of the PalmTech family, I can make a bold statement and offer an ironclad 100% money back guarantee: You will always be happy with your PalmTech IT solutions experience, or you won’t pay a cent for your service call! No questions asked.
Chuck Poole, PalmTech Computer Solutions