Outlook gets new CRM add-on

Have you ever wondered how sales teams spend their time each week? According to Salesforce, on any given weekday an average sales representative spends more than 70 percent of their time managing emails. Since they are spending more than half of their working lives in their inbox, wouldn’t it be ideal if their customer relationship management software can be integrated into it? A newly released add-on called Lightning for Outlook may just be the answer.

What are Office 365 Connectors?

Recently, Microsoft announced a new feature in Office 365 Groups called Connectors. As part of their new openness mantra, Office 365 Connectors allows you to connect with popular third party services without ever having to leave your Outlook client. This means relevant content and updates that you want are sent immediately to your group feed, making workflow more seamless.

Add to your Office experience

Microsoft Office might be boring to some people, but those users probably haven’t explored the exciting world of add-ins. Utilizing these cool features, which work inside your favorite Office application, can help change your experience for the better.