What Is a Disaster Recovery Plan and Why Do You Need One?

No organization wants to experience the nightmare of losing valuable customer data, financial records, or confidential documents. Unfortunately, unless proper steps are taken to safeguard your business from these disasters, you may be unknowingly putting your data at risk of getting lost or compromised.

Why Is It Important To Have a Business Continuity Plan?

Many small- to medium-sized business (SMB) owners fail to prepare for major crises like flood and ransomware attacks. Disaster events can cause downtime, which can result in lost revenue and lower profits. In addition, SMBs that fail to recover quickly from disruption face the risk of losing their customers to their competitors. To prevent this from happening to you, it’s important to have a business continuity plan (BCP) in place.

A Smart Approach to Cybersecurity Investment

Cybersecurity is a threat to businesses across industries. Sometimes, organizations invest in security software without realizing the risks that come with it. Here are compelling reasons why identifying threats before buying cybersecurity products is paramount.

Regularly evaluate your cybersecurity

Experts estimate that the global market for cybersecurity products this year will exceed that of last year. At first glance, an increase in spending seems necessary and shows that businesses are becoming more aware of cybersecurity issues. But a closer look may prove otherwise.