HIPAA Requires Careful Social Media Posting

Healthcare providers that use Social Media can interact with their patients, advertise new services, and quickly communicate urgent announcements or messages. There's immense potential for it to improve care, but also to expose patient-specific information.

Should you worry about Facebook’s breach?

Facebook is the most popular platform for developing brand awareness because it allows businesses to target users based on what they have posted in the past. But after the recent data breach scandal, is your data still safe? Read on to find out if you need to worry about your privacy.

3 tips to maintain a secure Facebook account

In March 2018, disturbing reports circulated on the web that revealed a company named Cambridge Analytica harvested confidential details of 50 million Facebook accounts. If you’re concerned that your private details are being passed around by private companies, consider the following 3 tips to maintain a confidential Facebook profile.

How Facebook’s News Feed tweaks affect you

Facebook’s newest action can mean bad news to businesses. The company had announced its decision to screen its News Feed to include less content from publishers and businesses and more from your loved ones. This comes after the allegations of how social media has unconsciously shaped people’s opinion and mental well-being.

Top tips for optimizing your Google reviews

Google has made reviews more visible within its search results, which means that online reviews will have a massive impact on customer behavior and your company’s search performance. If you’re not taking the time to generate good reviews from prominent sites, your business may not get enough customer attention to stay afloat.

A beginner’s guide to creating Facebook ads

No one can deny that social media has become a powerful online marketing channel. It’s cheaper, less complicated, more effective, and…a lot cooler. The numerous benefits are especially advantageous to small businesses that don’t have print or TV ads.

Group voice call now possible on Facebook

With communication apps such as Skype, WhatsApp, and Slack aiming to conquer audio and video calling, what is a social networking giant like Facebook to do? In a move to enhance its already ubiquitous Messaging app, Facebook is all set to follow suite and occupy a space alongside some of the most dominant VoIP apps in the market, particularly in desktop group video calling.

Turning Instagram audience into customers

From being an emerging app that allows sharing photos of puppies in vintage-themed filters, Instagram has transformed into a marketing tool that savvy businesses ought to have. The photo-sharing giant now has more than 500 million users, making it an ideal online marketplace.

Social media alternatives for business

The use of social media for marketing is practically inescapable at this point. And for good reason: companies gain access to increased visibility, more sales opportunities, and more opportunities to define their brand. But why limit your business to a few of the most well known options? The internet is full of useful social media platforms, and we want to let you know some of our favorites.

Facebook at Work improves communication

Facebook has been used by people to connect and share information for a long time. However, until now Facebook struggled to break into the world of business. The good news is that starting today, the launch of Facebook at Work will make it possible to incorporate social media into your company’s workflow.