How Can Private Browsing Protect Your Online Privacy?

If you see ads on your social media newsfeed that are suspiciously attuned to your preferences, it’s likely because your online activities are being tracked and analyzed by market researchers. These researchers likely get their data from the websites you visit as you surf the internet.

New scam freezes Chrome to panic users

Con artists have created a new method of deceiving Chrome users by freezing their browsers and displaying a security notification with bogus tech-support contact details. Their ultimate goal is to scare potential victims and trick them into dialing the fake hotline number on the screen.

What’s new with the Chrome Cleanup tool?

Even if you’re sure that the websites you visit are safe, harmful software can still slip through, especially when you download and install free programs and applications. As the world’s most popular browser, Chrome is especially prone to infection.

Move over IE, Hello Microsoft Edge!

Not all Windows users are fans of Internet Explorer, and not all Mac users are crazy about Safari. But there's good news for Windows users: Windows 10 replaces IE with a brand new browser, Microsoft Edge. Here is a list of the key features you shouldn’t miss out on:

Import favorites
You can easily import the list of websites you've marked as favorites from any web browser to Microsoft Edge.

Secret upgraded functions for Firefox

In today’s modern day and age, the term “upgrade” has become associated with everything from hotel rooms to web browsers. It usually implies “better,” and who wouldn’t want that? After returning from a brief break, the web browser debuted its arsenal of upgraded functions -- 8 to be exact -- that helps make every browsing session more effortless and efficient.

Here’s how Chrome for iPhone just got better

Unreliable browsers cause headaches. And in the case of the iPhone, the world’s most popular browser (Google Chrome) has been anything but reliable. With constant crashes, many Google Chrome fans have become frustrated and reluctantly switched to Safari.