Get Windows 10 Space Without Buying a New Disk

Always consider freeing up more space on your computer. On Windows 10 devices, it’s almost inevitable that storage will quickly run low as the total file size of photos, videos, and music continues to increase. Still, there are easy ways to maximize your disk space so you don’t have to purchase a new drive unless truly needed.

Keeping cloud costs under control

One of the most well known benefits of the cloud is it boosts cost efficiency. By moving to the cloud, small- and medium-sized businesses no longer have to worry about purchasing high-end equipment or maintaining full-scale data centers. However, there are quite a few costs associated with the cloud, so it’s important you know how to keep them under control.

Virtualization from Microsoft gets faster

Microsoft isn’t always the first company that pops into mind when talking about virtualization, but it does offer one of the best solutions in the industry. In an ongoing effort to compete with companies like VMWare and Amazon Web Services, Microsoft has released a massive upgrade for its virtualization platform -- and it’s totally free!
Azure: Microsoft’s virtualization platform
As a full-service cloud solution, Azure is a secure and flexible data center that businesses of all sizes can benefit from.

Differentiating Groups, Yammer, and Teams

Yammer, Outlook Groups, and Microsoft Teams have plenty in common. They’re all Office 365 tools designed for sharing files and communicating with colleagues. So what differentiates each from the other and when should you use them? Here's a quick rundown to help you decide.

It’s not too late to cash in on 2017’s IT trends

“Fad” is a dirty word for many small-business owners. Whether it’s what they’re selling or what they’re investing in, business owners need long-term and reliable investments to secure their future. With 2017 in the rearview mirror, we finally know what was a fad and what was a smart investment.

What are Virtual Containers?

Virtual containers have recently gained prominence with the open-source container platform, Docker. It promises to change the way IT operations are carried out, just like virtualization technology did a few years ago. Read on to know more about this revolutionary breakthrough and how it can help your business.

Get more space with OneDrive Files On-Demand

We truly comprehend the meaning of scarcity when our local disk is running out of space. Trying to sort out which files to keep and which to delete takes time and doesn’t guarantee a desirable outcome. But with OneDrive’s new feature, you can just move them to the cloud and get your storage space back -- in just a few clicks.

New features from Dropbox Professional

Have you ever calculated how much productivity was lost on time spent deciding which files to delete and which to keep because your computer’s hard disk ran out of space? With Dropbox’s new plan, you'll never have to worry about running out of hard drive space again.

New version of Microsoft Office announced

Do you use Microsoft Word, PowerPoint or Excel on a daily basis? You’re not alone. The Office suite has more than one billion users, and with a new version coming out next year that number could go up. Whether your organization currently uses Office or not, you need to be prepared for the next version.

What are the advantages of SaaS?

Almost every business relies on software to operate, and for most SMBs, the costs of software -- including license and maintenance -- are painfully expensive. So is there a solution that allows you to leverage the power of software without a high price tag? One candidate is the software delivery service called SaaS. Read on to learn more about it.