
Shiny New Gadget Of The Month: iPhone Binoculars

If you’ve ever wanted to add more utility to your Ap-ple iPhone, SkyMall’s iPhone Binoculars might be what you’re looking for. These bin-oculars, featuring 36mm lenses, attach onto the back of your phone via a sturdy and specially designed case. The case lines up the iPhone’s camera with one of the bin-ocular’s lenses, giving your camera 8x magnification.

Social Media Marketing Tools: 8 Picks

New social media marketing tools seem to pop up every day, so here’s some help sorting the best from the rest:

Mention: Google Alerts for the social web. Mention helps you monitor your brand’s presence on social networks, forums, blogs and more.

Is Your Old, Outdated Phone System Causing You More Problems Than It’s Worth?

If you think you have outgrown your current phone system and are tired of constant downtime, dropped calls, repairs and maintenance, it might be time for you to consider a VoIP system for your office.

The right VoIP system can likely save a considerable amount of money AND give you more features and flexibility to support customers, drive sales and manage calls throughout your office.


Most seasoned Opera lovers find it easy to become swept up and lose themselves in a sea of incredible voices. The trouble is, if they don’t speak Italian, French, German, or are familiar with the numerous operatic story lines, they can become lost– literally. To help English speakers, the Palm Beach Opera developed a real-time translation application to provide smartphone and tablet users the ability to follow along with the story. This application is important because it brings a richer and more immersive experience to the performance. Having this application is great, but how do you provide access to as many as 3000 guests at a time? The Palm Beach Opera turned to PalmTech for help. PalmTech designed a powerful, high capacity network to ensure that everyone would have a great connection to the service. In addition, the technology PalmTech deployed was able to provide an estimated attendance by counting the number of devices in the area – even if they were not directly connected to the Opera’s internet system.

The Lighter Side: Glowing Clouds Above Los Angeles

In the early 1990s, southern California was hit by a major power outage. During the outage, a number of people in Los Angeles called 911 to report very strange, glowing clouds in the night sky. It was something the worried callers had never seen. With the acid-rain scare still in many people’s minds, their concern was understandable.

Employee Spotlight: Meet Arely Esquivel

We enjoy shining the spotlight on our employees. It gives you, our extended family, a chance to get to know us a little better. It also allows us to share our peers’ accomplishments and stories. Take a few moments and enjoy our spotlight on Arely Esquivel, PalmTech’s Client Account Manager.

Think Through Social Media Actions In A Heated Moment

If you wouldn’t say it to your grandmother, don’t write it on Twitter. The oldest test in the book is the grandma test. It still holds today. If she would be appalled, odds are that others will be too. It feels good to blast an opponent, but such outburst can easily be used against you.

Shiny New Gadget Of The Month: Sony Xperia Z3

Every fall a batch of cool new phones from nearly every major manufacturer hits the market. People are clamoring for the new, larger Apple iPhone or the new Google Nexus phone. This October saw the release of a rather interesting new Android phone from Sony called the Xperia Z3 Compact.