
Reducing Distractions In The Workplace

Distractions are everywhere. Our phones, our computers, our tablets, our co-workers, and on and on. When we’re trying to get work done, there is always something, and it’s getting worse. We’re more connected to the Internet than ever before, and there is always one more thing we want to check.

Barn Movers

In 1981 Donna and Herman Ostry bought a farm in the small town of Bruno, Nebraska, about 60 miles outside of Omaha. The farm came with a and a problem for the Ostrys. IIn 1981 Donna and Herman Ostry bought a farm in the small town of Bruno, Nebraska, about 60 miles outside of Omaha.

Free Report Download: What Every Small Business Owner Must Know About Protecting And Preserving Their Company’s Critical Data And Computer Systems

This report will outline in plain, non-technical English common mistakes that many small business owners make with their computer network that cost them thousands in lost sales, productivity and computer repair bills, as well as providing an easy, proven way to reduce or completely eliminate the financial expense and frustration caused by these oversights.

Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Set To Expire In 2015

Microsoft has announced that as of July 14, 2015, it will discontinue support for its 11-year-old server operation system, Server 2003. This follows in the wake of its recent discontinuation of support for Windows XP this past spring. Failure to upgrade your server off of this operating system dramatically increases any company’s cyber-security risks.

The Lighter Side: Halloween Graveyard Story from Vienna

Chris Cross, a tourist in Vienna, is going past Vienna's Zentralfriendh of churchyard on October 31st. Suddenly he hears some music. No one is around, so he starts searching for the source. Chris finally locates the origin and finds it is coming from grave with a headstone that reads: Ludwing va Bethoven, 1770-1827. Then he realizes that the music is the Ninth Symphony and it is being played backward! Puzzled, he leaves the graveyard and persuades Tim Burr, a friend, to return with him.

Neo Grab

It’s amazing how quickly our technology evolves. When the GPS devices for cars first came out, could we imagine that our phones would quickly take over that job? More and more, we see people using their phones to navigate in the car, but holding on to the phone while driving can be dangerous.

Don’t Make These 3 Mistakes With Your Next Office Move

Moving is always a pain in the rump, but it doesn’t have to be a horrific, expensive experience. The No. 1 lament from someone who’s experienced a “bad” move is “I didn’t know I needed to…” followed closely by “I completely forgot that…” In other words, it’s what you don’t do that makes the move a disaster.